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Displaying 1- 8 of 8 records found
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Washingtonia filifera

Petticoat Or Desert Fan Palm

Rosalind Park, Pall Mall,, BENDIGO VIC 3550 - Property No T11378

Contribution to landscape of historic garden Aesthetic value Located within the Conservatory Gardens, with its elaborate glasshouse, this is an impressive row of trees planted along the southern and eastern end of the gardens Washingtonia filifera is the only palm native to the Western United States. Measurements: 11/1986 Spread (m): 4.5 Girth (m): 3.04 Height (m): 14 Estimated Age (yrs): 80 Condition: Good Access: ... more



Washingtonia filifera

Petticoat Or Desert Fan Palm

Third Street,, MERBEIN VIC 3505 - Property No T11932

Contribution to landscape Aesthetic significance Outstanding example of species An interesting and quite spectacular roadside planting located 2-3 km west of the township. Planted circa.1911, the trees' upright growth, uniformity and size forms a major contribution to the landscape. The planting is a well known feature of the district, a legacy of the early settlers to Mildura Measurements: 12/1987 Spread (m): 4.0 Girth (m): 3.0 Height (m): ... more



Washingtonia filifera

Petticoat Or Desert Fan Palm

Calder Highway, MILDURA VIC 3500 - Property No T11933

Contribution to landscape. Located between Fifth and Sixth Streets on the East side of the Calder Highway, this is an impressive and intact 0.3 km long avenue. The palms are a dominant landscape feature amongst the vineyards in the area. 02/11/2003: Total of 48 trees Measurements:08/10/1995 Spread (m): 4 Girth (m): 2.52 Height (m): 9 Estimated Age (yrs): 90 Condition: Good Measurements:03/11/2003 Spread (m):3 Girth (m): ... more



Washingtonia filifera

Petticoat Or Desert Fan Palm

Main Avenue North, MERBEIN VIC 3505 - Property No T11934

Contribution to landscape An impressive row contributing significantly to the landscape, due to their form, height and close spacing (6m). This row complements other plantings in the Merbein area. 17/09/2013: There are only 28 trees left from an original total of 34. Measurements: 28/08/1992: Spread (m): 4.1 Girth (m): 2.94 Height (m): 11.5 Estimated Age (yrs): 90 Condition: Good Access: Unrestricted Classified: 10/09/1992



Washingtonia filifera

Petticoat Or Desert Fan Palm

Chaffey Avenue,, MILDURA VIC 3500 - Property No T11940

Contribution to landscape Aesthetic Significance An outstanding avenue of 16 and a row of 9 trees bordering Chaffey Avenue (formerly Palm Ave), the main access to 'Rio Vista' the original property of WB Chaffey. The trees' uniformity, size and location contribute to the significance of this historic property. A key feature of the Mildura landscape, this species was presumably influenced as a planting by the Chaffey brothers. Measurements: 28/08/1992 Spread ... more



Washingtonia filifera

Petticoat or Desert Fan Palm

Seventh Street,, MILDURA VIC 3500 - Property No T11941

Contribution to landscape Aesthetic significance An impressive row outside the Grand Hotel, originally the site of the Chaffey Offices. The planting continues on the other side of Seventh Street forming an important streetscape feature. The tree near the Hotel entrance, at the Langtree Street end was the tallest example measured. 02/11/2003: One tree has died Measurements: 28/08/1992 Spread (m): 2.4 Girth (m): 3.13 Height (m): 11 Estimated Age ... more



Washingtonia filifera

Petticoat Or Desert Fan Palm

Mildura Senior College, cnr Fourteenth and Deakin Avenue,, MILDURA VIC 3500 - Property No T11943

Contribution to landscape Aesthetic value Outstanding example of species This avenue planting is an outstanding landscape feature due to the trees' uniformity, close planting style (6.2m between plantings) and large size. Measurements: 28/08/1992 Spread (m): 4.2 Girth (m): 2.91 Height (m): 11.25 Estimated Age (yrs): 80 Condition: Good Access: Unrestricted Classified: 10/09/1992




Desert Fan Palm


The individual Desert Fan Palm which is in the Melbourne General Cemetery, on the corner of Fifth and Sixth Avenues.  
This Desert Fan Palm is significant for aesthetic and social reasons at the Regional level. 
This specimen is the last Desert Fan Palm left in the Melbourne General Cemetery, others having been removed by management over the last 50 years. The tree is ... more

